School For Success With Revenue
Bond Financing at Favorable Rates

options needed to complete your school's construction projects
goes something like this: If you use real
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Private Colleges & Universities

financial support needed to complete your school's projects
goes something like this: If you use real
content in the design process,
anytime you reach
about us
We are here to manage your
financial needs with experience
The PCUA’s board members understand the unique needs of private institutions and how to seamlessly guide you and your consultants through the process. We work to understand your school’s goals and work to provide the financial expertise to accomplish them.
We’ve funded some of Georgia’s most well known private colleges and universities.
Call to ask any question 404.881.7528

Does your organization qualify?
Must be a nonprofit educational institution whose predominant function is education and is not controlled by the state or any political subdivision thereof.
Must admit as regular students only individuals with a certificate of graduations from a high school or its equivalent.
Must be described as a Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Must provide an educational program that awards bachelor degrees.
Must be accredited by a nationally accredited agency.
We are here to manage your finance with experience
Our bond financing may provide you with flexibility and necessary financing to pursue capital projects on campus.
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our latest news
Stay current with the PCUA's recent activity by checking out our latest meeting minutes.
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